Yue Jiang (Aalto University) - Computational Representations for User Interfaces
Abstract: Traditional “one-size-fits-all” user interfaces (UIs) often fail to provide the necessary adaptability, leading to challenges in accommodating varying contexts and enhancing user capabilities. This talk explores my research on developing intelligent UIs that bridge the gap between static design and dynamic user engagement. My research focuses on facilitating the creation of intelligent UIs that support two key areas: assisting designers in building adaptive systems and capturing user behaviors to enable automatic interface adaptation. In this talk, I will focus on how to develop computational representations that embed domain-specific knowledge into AI models, providing intelligent suggestions while ensuring that designers maintain control over the design process. Additionally, I will discuss how to develop neural models that simulate and predict user behaviors, such as eye tracking on UIs, aligning interactions with users’ unique abilities and preferences.

Yue Jiang
Yue Jiang is a final-year Ph.D. student supervised by Prof. Antti Oulasvirta at Aalto University and the Finnish Center for AI in Finland. She earned her Master’s degree from the University of Maryland, USA and her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Toronto, Canada. Her research focuses on computational user interface understanding, with specific interests in generating adaptive UIs for different users and contexts, AI-assisted design, and modeling human behaviors. She has published in top venues in Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Vision, such as CHI, UIST, and CVPR. She initiated and served as the main co-organizer of Computational UI workshops at CHI four times from 2022 to 2025, and co-organized a Mobile Eye-based Interaction Workshop at ETRA. Additionally, she was the Accessibility Chair for CHI 2023 and CHI 2024 and served as an Associate Chair at CHI 2025, as well as on the jury for the CHI 2023 Workshop and the ASSETS 2024 Experience Reports. She has been awarded the Meta PhD Fellowship, a Google Europe Scholarship, and a Nokia Scholarship, and selected as a Heidelberg Laureate Forum Young Researcher and UCSD Data Science Rising Star. She has worked or interned at Intel, Adobe Research, Apple, and Max Planck Institute, and was a visiting Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon University. More information can be found on her website: https://yuejiang-nj.github.io/.