Advisors: Mina Lee, Ari Holtzman
I am a first-year Ph.D. student working on Natural Language Processing (NLP), advised by Prof. Mina Lee and Prof. Ari Holtzman, within the UChicago C&I group. Previously, I was interning at the UW NLP group. I received my B.S. in Computer Science (Honors Program) from Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) in 2024. I have been at UC Berkeley as a visiting undergrad, researching within the Berkeley NLP group.
I am broadly interested in human-LLM interactive generation, LLM behavior analysis, and LLM safety (i.e., stress testing, machine-generated text detection, watermark). For more of my up-to-date research and ideas, please refer to my webpage: And I am always more than happy to chat about it if you are interested!