Contact Info

Advisor: Ce Zhang

Jingyu is a PhD student of computer science at Uchicago, advised by Ce Zhang. He remains active at Together AI as a student researcher. Before joining Uchicago, he finished his master’s at ETH Zurich and bachelor’s at NYU in CS. He spent one year as an AI resident at Meta AI, working on long context and code LLMs. He also worked on engineering search engines at ByteDance before his master study.

He is interested in LLM inference systems under different scenarios and improving model quality through large-scale training. His main research goal is to create scalable and expressive model architecture, supported by efficient training infrastructure for the next generation artificial intelligence.


AI & Machine Learning

Foundations and applications of computer algorithms making data-centric models, predictions, and decisions

Systems, Architecture & Networking

Design and analysis of computing systems: cloud, edge, Internet, quantum, and beyond
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