The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) committee advises the Computer Science department on matters that will further improve the department’s environment for undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, staff, faculty, and affiliates, especially as they relate to equity, diversity, and inclusion. The committee’s responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Recommending initiatives to raise awareness about equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging in CS and related fields,

  • Recommending actions to recruit and retain individuals from marginalized and underrepresented groups in CS,

  • Recommending actions to assess the departmental climate and positively impact a culture of inclusion and respect as well as engender a sense of belonging for CS community members,

  • Maintaining and revising the departmental Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) plan, and

  • Promoting transparency and communicating CS department EDI progress.

EDI Committee Members

Henry Hoffmann

Henry Hoffmann

Liew Family Chair of Computer Science
headhsot of Arthur Borem

Arthur Borem

PhD Student
David Cash

David Cash

Professor of Computer Science
headhsot of Jake Chanenson

Jake Chanenson

PhD Student
Diana Franklin

Diana Franklin

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Randall Landsberg

Education Outreach Director
Fuhui Lin

Fuhui Lin

PhD Student
Shan Lu

Shan Lu

Professor of Computer Science
Sarah Sebo

Sarah Sebo

Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Borja Sotomayor

Borja Sotomayor

Senior Instructional Professor of Computer Science