Contact Info
JCL 312

Advisor: Kyle Chard

Maxime Gonthier is a postdoc at the University of Chicago. He graduated from Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, and was part of the Inria STORM team as well as the ROMA team. His PhD revolved around data locality and task scheduling algorithms under memory constraint. He was focused on the implementation and testing of such algorithms on the StarPU runtime.
He is now working on applying scheduling and locality techniques to a variety of application scenarios.
Notably in the conext of FaaS systems. He is also working on algorithms for data placement and replication in large-scale systems. Finally, he is interested in reducing the energy consumption of HPC centers.


Programming Languages

Devising new and better ways of programming the computers of today and tomorrow

Scientific & High Performance Computing

Scientific discovery at the frontiers of computational performance, intelligence, and scale
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