Contact Info
JCL 395

Advisor: Andrew Chien

I am a first-year PhD student work in LSSG lab under the supervision of Prof. Andrew Chien. I got my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree from New York University in 2022. During my undergraudate study, I worked as research assistant in multiple projects with topics in Programming Languages, Distributed Systems, and OS Security under the supervision of Prof. Anirudh Sivaraman and Prof. Justin Cappos. I also worked as a software engineer intern at Meta in summer 2022.

My current research area is in Cloud Computing. I aim to identify and fix the current limitations in serverless computing to expand its use cases. I’m also broadly interested in Operating Systems, Distributed Systems, Computer Security, and Software Engineering.


Systems, Architecture & Networking

Design and analysis of computing systems: cloud, edge, Internet, quantum, and beyond
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