Name Deadline Summary / Requirements
Abdullah University of Science and Technology Visiting Research Internship Rolling Eligible: Undergraduate students in 3rd year and above and Masters students with 3.5/4.00 GPA.

Benefits: Interns will receive academic credit, a monthly living allowance between $1000 and $1500 (based upon field of research), round-trip airfare to/from city of departure-Jeddah, health insurance, and private bedroom & bath in a shared residential suite. 

John Crerar Foundation Data Services Fellowship Rolling Eligible: UChicago students only. Familiarity with some data tools in the sciences; Interest in pedagogy, instruction & in event planning.

Benefits: $3300 stipend per academic quarter

NVIDIA Research Graduate Fellowship 9/9/23 Eligible: Students must have already completed their first year of Ph.D. level studies and should not be expecting to graduate sooner than May/June 2024. Must have majors in CS, Computer Engineering, System Architecture, Electrical Engineering or a related area. Students must be available to complete a summer internship.

Benefits: 1 year, $50K 

Meta Research PhD Fellowship 9/20/23 Eligible: Full-time Ph.D. students doing research in areas of CS relevant to Meta. See the webpage for details:

Benefits: 2 years tuition and fees, $42K stipend and travel, visit to Facebook’s HQ in Menlo Park to present their research. Meta selects around 20 students from over 300 candidates.

Google PhD Fellowship 3/2024 – 5/2024 Internal nomination process: UC may nominate up to 4 eligible students. 

Eligible: Full-time graduate students pursuing a PhD in the research areas represented by the fellowships. Must have completed coursework by the time the fellowship starts. Cannot already have another industry fellowship. Google employees, and their spouses, children, and members of their household are not eligible.

Benefits: Up to 3 year fellowship, tuition and fees (including books), stipend, Google research mentor. 

L’Oreal USA For Women in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship 2/14/25 Eligible: Must be a woman; be a have a conferred PhD and have started in a postdoctoral research position by the deadline; maintain the status of postdoctoral researcher throughout the fellowship year; be affiliated with a U.S. based academic or research institution; be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident; be involved in basic research in the life and physical/material sciences, engineering & technology, computer science and/or mathematics.

Benefits: $60K stipend.

Chateaubriand Fellowship in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) 1/17/25 Eligible: – Ph.D students. Must obtain a letter from your advisor in the U.S., as well as a letter of invitation from a professor affiliated with a French university or research institution.

Benefits: Monthly allowance (up to 1750 euros/month, depending on other sources of funding), round trip ticket to France, and health insurance.

Adobe Research Fellowship 9/22-1/15/25 Eligible: PhD students working in current Adobe areas of interest (see website for this year’s focus areas). 

Benefits: $10,000 award; opportunity to interview for Adobe internship.

IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Program 12/15/22-3/24/23 Eligible: Ph.D. students who have completed at least two years of study in their doctoral program. Cannot already have another industry fellowship during the funding period. Must be nominated to apply.

Benefits: $60,000 in year one; $35,000 in year two. 

NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship

NSTGRO replaced in 2020.

11/23-2/24 Eligible: US citizens or permanent residents for research that has significant potential to contribute to NASA’s goal of creating innovative new space technologies. Two-phase proposal process. 

Benefits: Two or more years of graduate study, up to is $80K/year.

National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals – Out to Innovate™ Career Development Fellowship 2/1/25 Eligible: Trans, intersex, and non-binary graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in STEM.

Benefits: $2K-$5K award.

Arts, Science + Culture Initiative Graduate Collaboration Grant 9/23-11/4/24 Eligible: Must be a graduate student at UChicago and must have an endorsement by a faculty member.

Benefits: Successful proposals may request up to $3K to cover costs,

Ann Plato Predoctoral and Postdoctoral/Post-MFA Fellowship 8/25/25 Eligible: U.S. citizens or permanent residents. All but Dissertation (ABD) by fellowship deadline.

Benefits: Between $50K (pre-doctoral) to $55K (post-doctoral) stipdend, health benefits, office space, computer, conference travel expenses, and assistance in finding housing near campus.

National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) 10/17/23 Eligible: Must be a US citizen or permanent resident. In general, 1st and 2nd year students are eligible to apply. Graduate students are limited to only one application, submitted either in the first year or in the second year of graduate school. See the webpage for details:

Benefits: Three years of support, $37K annual stipend, $16,000 tuition allowance.

Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans 10/30/25 Eligible: Those applying to graduate or professional school, or those in 1st or 2nd year of academic program. Must be 30 or younger on 10/26/23. Birth parents must have been born outside of the US and not been eligible for US citizenship at the time of their births. 

Benefits: Fellows receive up to $90K which is divided into tuition support ($40K) and stipend support ($50K). 

Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship 9/9/24 Eligible: Late stage graduate students or recent PhD graduate.

Benefits: $11K stipend for the 12-week program.

National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship 10/31/23 Eligible: There are four eligibility requirements: U.S. citizenship; discipline match; first or second year PhD student; and the ability to accept full benefit. You must meet all four requirements in order to be eligible. See the web page for details: 

Benefits: 3 years, $40,800 annual stipend, tuition and fees, $1,400 for health insurance.

AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowship 11/1/25 Eligible: Hold a doctoral level degree; hold U.S. citizenship; be eligible to receive federal government funds; not be a federal employee or employed by AAAS; be in compliance with U.S. Selective Service System requirements.

Benefits: $80-105K stipend per year, along with other support including reimbursement for health care insurance.

Sandia National Laboratories Truman Postdoctoral Fellowship 9/12/24 Eligible: Ph.D. conferred within the past 3 years or completion of PhD requirements by commencement of appointment. Development and submission of a compelling research proposal in areas meaningful to national security.

Ability to obtain and maintain a DOE security clearance, which requires US citizenship

Benefits: Annual salary of $111,200; flexible work arrangements; 11 paid holidays; 3 weeks of vacation; health, vision & dental insurance; and a 401(k) savings plan with company match.

Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program 02/2024 – 05/2024 Eligible: U.S. citizens or permanent residents; admitted to PhD candidacy; must be working in one of the priority areas. See the web page for more details:

Benefits: Awards to conduct part of your Ph.D. research at a participating DOE lab:

National GEM Consortium – Predoctoral Fellowships for Underrepresented Groups in Engineering and Science 2nd Friday of November Eligible: Must be (1) underrepresented minority, (2) U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident at time of application, (3) Ph.D. student.

Benefits: $16,000 stipend applied to one academic year; additional stipend; full tuition and fees up to the fifth year of the PhD program; minimum of one paid summer internship with a GEM employer member.

Gaius Charles Bolin Dissertation and Post-MFA Fellowships 11/15/24 Eligible: Must be (1) underrepresented minority, (2) U.S. citizens, nationals or permanent residents, (3) pursuing a career in higher education in the U.S, (4) Ph.D. or MFA candidate.

Benefits: Annual stipend of $55K, health and dental benefits, relocation and housing assistance, academic support including office space and a computer, and an annual allowance of $4,000 for research-related expenses.

Croucher Scholarships for Doctoral Study 11/15/24 Eligible: Permanent resident of Hong Kong, first class honors in their first degree (or MPhil degree), in the first three years of doctoral study. 

Benefits: USD 30,300 per annum; airfare; tuition fees; USD 1K to cover the costs of arriving in a new country during the first year of tenure; academic development allowance of up to USD 2K per annum; medical insurance and other fringe benefits.

Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship for Service Program 12/5/25 Eligible: A citizen of the U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or United Kingdom. Grad student in STEM. 

Benefits: Full tuition, stipend $25K-$38K/year, paid summer internships, health insurance allowwance up to $1,200/year, miscellaneous allowance of $1K/year, mentoring, employment placement after graduation.

American Association of University Women (AAUW) Selected Professions Fellowship 11/22/24 Eligible: U.S. citizen or permanent resident, female, final year of Ph.D. program. 

Benefits: $20K award. 

Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship 1/9/24 Eligible: Limited to (1) All US citizens, nationals and permeanent residents regardless of race, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation, (2) Individuals with evidence of superior academic achievement, (3) Individuals committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level. For those working to complete a dissertation leading to a Ph.D.)or Sc.D. degree.

Benefits: 1 year $28K stipend; invitation to attend the Conference of Ford Fellows; access to  networking resources.

Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship 12/15/22 Eligible: Limited to (1) All US citizens, nationals and permeanent residents regardless of race, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation, (2) Individuals with evidence of superior academic achievement, (3) Individuals committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level. For those enrolled in or planning to enroll in a program leading to a Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree and haven’t already earned a doctoral degree.

Benefits: Annual stipend $27K for three years; invitation to attend the Conference of Ford Fellows; access to  networking resources.

Graduate Fellowships for STEM Diversity (GFSD) 1/10/25 Eligible: U.S. citizens who are able to pursue graduate work at a GFSD university partner. 

Benefits: $20K in funding which are renewable annually and typically offered to 3-6 years. 

Mitchem Dissertation Fellowship at Marquette University 3/15/24 Eligible: Must not have earned a doctoral degree at any time or in any field, have completed all other requirements for the Ph.D., and are at the writing stage of their dissertation work. U.S. citizenship required.

Benefits: $36,520 salary stipend, fringe benefits, plus a $7K stipend for moving and travel expenses for the academic year, library privileges, office space, access to computer, and clerical support.

ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship 1/15/25 Eligible: (1) Enrolled at an accredited US or Canadian university/college, (2) be a graduate or an undergraduate student who will have completed their sophomore year by the time the research stay in Switzerland begins.

Benefits: Monthly scholarship of CHF 1,800 (approx. USD 1,800) for a period of 2-3 months (CHF 5,400 maximum) which covers only a portion of the average student’s living expenses.

SunShot Postdoctoral Fellowship Rolling Eligible: Master’s or Ph.D. graduates, be a U.S. citizen or have permanent resident status.

Benefits: Participants with a Ph.D. will receive a stipend starting at $76,378. Participants with a Master’s degree will start at $58K. Health insurance, relocation travel, education/travel allowance.

U.S. Bose Scholars Program 1/15/23 Eligible: US citizens/ permanent residents/ Indian citizens. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree students from all disciplines of Science & Engineering. Minimum GPA 3.0.

Benefits: Airfare; a INR 50K stipend to cover food, housing, and transportation.

Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship 1/21/25 Eligible: Must be (1) 18 years old, (2) U.S. citizen, (3) cumulative GPA of at least 2.8, (4) be enrolled full-time in a STEM program at the Bachelor’s or Master’s level, (5) be a college sophomore or higher, (6) be available to participate in the full 10-week program.

Benefits: Master’s students receive a stipend of $8,500 for the 10-week program. Eligibility for a housing allowance and travel to/from the appointment site.

Linda Hall Library Fellowships in Kansas City – Science, Engineering and Technology 1/21/23 Eligible: Doctoral students, scholars with Ph.D. or equivalent, and independent researchers who can demonstrate similar professional or academic experience are eligible to apply.

Benefits: $3K per month for doctoral students and up to $4.2K per month for postdoctoral researchers.

Data Science for Social Good Summer Fellowship 1/28/23 Eligible: Current student or recent graduate (undergrad, Masters, PhD) in the past couple of years. 

Benefits: $10K stipend for participating in the program to cover travel, housing, and other expenses for the summer program.

Google Lime Scholarship in Computer Science 4/21/24 Eligible: Have a disability. Be enrolled in or accepted as a full-time student in Computer Science or Computer Engineering. 

Benefits: $10K.

Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE CSGF) 1/16/25 Eligible: U.S. citizens or permanent residents, first year PhD students only. 

Benefits: 4 years (renewed each year), $45K yearly stipend, all tuition and fees, annual $1,000 professional development allowance, yearly conferences, 12-week research practicum.

Insight Data Science Postdoctoral Fellows Program in Silicon Valley and New York 1/224-3/24 Eligible: Seven week full-time postdoctoral training fellowship.

Benefits: Need-based scholarships and loans to help cover travel and living expenses.

California Science & Technology Policy Fellowship 1/25-3/3/25 Eligible: Hold a Ph.D and U.S. citizenship or have eligibility to work on a full-time basis for a US employer. CST will not sponsor a Fellow for a work visa.

Benefits: Base salary $62,400; paid-time off, health, dental, and vision benefits; reimbursements for approved professional development and travel expenditures; reimbursement up to $4K in relocation costs for moves over 50 miles.

IFER Graduate Fellowship for the Alternatives to the Use of Animals in Science 1/23-3/23 Eligible: Must be enrolled in Master’s and Ph.D. programs in the sciences whose proposals show the greatest potential to reduce, refine or replace the use of animals in research, testing, and/or education.

Benefits: $12,500 annually in stipendiary support and up to $2,500 for supplies per year. 

Marilyn Yarbrough Dissertation/Teaching Fellowship at Kenyon College 1/25-3/25 Eligible: Must be enrolled in a research-based Ph.D. program; be a citizen/national of the U.S.; be a member of underrepresented groups; aspire to a teaching and research career; have not already earned a doctoral degree.

Benefits: $36K stipdent plus health benefits, housing, and a small moving allowance. The College will also provide some allowance to cover research, travel to conferences, and professional expenses. The fellow will be provided an office, a networked computer, and secretarial support services.

Blue Waters Graduate Fellowship 1/23-3/23 Eligible: U.S. citizens or permanent residents by the time of the application deadline; 2nd or later year of graduate program with a well-developed research proposal. Must not be receiving another fellowship or financial support during the period of the fellowship.

Benefits: Year of full-time research support, including a $38K stipend, up to $12K in tuition allowance, an allocation of 50,000 node-hours on the powerful Blue Waters petascale computing system, funds for travel to a Blue Waters Symposium to present research progress/results.

Scientists, Technologists and Artists Generating Exploration (STAGE) Fellowship 1/23-3/23 Eligible: Completed undergraduate or graduate degrees, preferably within the last two years.

Benefits: Stipend that typically last one to two years.

National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Graduate Research Fellowship in STEM 4/22/25 Eligible: Ph.D. students who propose a dissertation topic relevant to criminal or juvenile justice. 

Benefits: Up to $50K total for: student fellow salary; an allowance for tuition, fees, and administrative costs; and an allowance for research expenses. Up to three years of support may be requested.

Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) – Repperger Summer Research Internship Program 1/23-3/23 Eligible: Summer research internships for undergraduate and graduate-level university students pursuing STEM degrees.

Benefits: Technical training, mentorship from experienced AFRL scientists and engineers, opportunities to tour AFRL laboratories, networking through social events, competitive stipend rates.

The Link Foundation Modeling, Simulation, and Training Program 2/28/25 Eligible: Must be working toward a Ph.D. in an established program and be enrolled full-time during fellowship year at a U.S. or Canadian University.

Benefits: One year renewable stipdent of $34K.

Microsoft PhD Fellowship 4/23-6/23 Internal nomination process: Microsoft allows each department to nominate four (4) students. If UC chooses to nominate 2+ students, then the 3rd & 4th nominees must self-identify as a woman, African American, Black, Hispanic, Latinx, Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, Indigenous Peoples, LGBTQI+, active or veteran service member, and/or person with a disability.

Eligible: Third year Ph.D students only. Cannot receive another industry fellowship during the same academic period. 

Benefits: Tuition and fees will be covered for 2 academic years plus a $42K stipend per year. Opportunities will be provided to build relationships with research teams at Microsoft and receive mentorship.

Out to Innovate Scholarships for LGBTQ+ students in STEM 2/1/25 Eligible: LGBTQ+ students currently enrolled in STEM; GPA of at least 2.75 on a 4-point scale; completion of 2 years of college; be eligible for fall term registration.

Benefits: First ($5K) and second ($2.5K) place graduate and undergraduate scholarships.

Korean American Scholarship Foundation 4/24-6/24 Eligible: Korean American students enrolled in a full time program in the U.S during the scholarship application year. Minimum GPA of 3.0.

Benefits: $500 to $5K scholarship.

SWE Scholarships Support Women Pursuing Bachelor or Graduate Student Programs 1/31/25 Eligible: Women studying PhD & MS full-time in Engineering, Technology or Computing.

Benefits: Scholarship funds to be used for educational purposes, such as tuition and books. 

Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation 4/23-6/23 Eligible: PhD students entrolled in a full-time degree granting program, majoring in fields of science, engineering or medical research. U.S. citizens. GPA of at least 3.5.

Benefits: Scholarship funds to be used for educational purposes, such as tuition and books. 

Bloomberg Data Science Ph.D Fellowship Program 4/28/23 Eligible: PhD students enrolled in a full-time degree granting program who are graduating before 2026, working in broadly-construed data science.

Benefits:100% paid tuition, $36,000 USD for living expenses, $5,000 USD for research expenses, 14-week paid internship with Bloomberg.

ACM SIGHPC / Intel Computational and Data Science Fellowships 4/30/23 Eligible: Must be nominated to apply. Women or minority students pursuing graduate degrees (both MS and PhD) in data science and computational science. Completed less than half of their program.

Benefits: $15K/year for up to 2 years (dependent on appropriate progress towards degree program), conference travel support for the annual SC conference.

ACM–IEEE-CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship 5/1/25 Eligible: Enrolled in a full-time PhD program and have completed at least 1 year of study, and have at least 1 year remaining between the application deadline and their expected graduation.

Benefits: $5K honorarium, plus travel and registration to receive the award at the annual SC conference.

SunShot Postdoctoral Fellowship 6/15/23 Eligible: Master’s or Ph.D. graduates, be a U.S. citizen or have permanent resident status.

Benefits: Participants with a Ph.D. will receive a stipend starting at $76,378. Participants with a Master’s degree will start at $58K. Health insurance, relocation travel, education/travel allowance.

American Academy of Arts & Sciences Hellman Fellowship in Science and Technology Policy 7/5/23 Eligible: Must have a Ph.D. and have some experience or a demonstrated interest in an area related to science and technology policy. Ph.D. dissertations must be successfully defended before the start of the position. Must be eligible to work in the U.S. without Academy sponsorship.

Benefits: $76K commensurate with experience plus a full benefits package including time off, medical, dental & vision insurance, a 403(b) plan, parental leave.

Microsoft PhD Fellowship 7/23-8/23 Internal nomination process: Microsoft allows each department to nominate four (4) students. If UC chooses to nominate 2+ students, then the 3rd & 4th nominees must self-identify as a woman, African American, Black, Hispanic, Latinx, Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, Indigenous Peoples, LGBTQI+, active or veteran service member, and/or person with a disability.

Eligible: Third year Ph.D students only. Cannot receive another industry fellowship during the same academic period. 

Benefits: Tuition and fees will be covered for 2 academic years plus a $42K stipend per year. Opportunities will be provided to build relationships with research teams at Microsoft and receive mentorship.