Date & Time:
June 2, 2021 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Live Stream
06/02/2021 11:00 AM 06/02/2021 12:00 PM America/Chicago CDAC Data & Technology Outlook: Data-Driven Medicine & Precision Oncology Live Stream

CDAC Data & Technology Outlook: Data-Driven Medicine & Precision Oncology

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Join us for a fireside chat with Eric Lefkofsky, founder and CEO at Tempus, and Dr. Olufunmilayo I. Olopade, the Walter L. Palmer Distinguished Service Professor of Medicine and Human Genetics at the University of Chicago, as they discuss some of the most talked-about issues at the intersection of technology, big data, and medicine. They will focus on the potential for big data in the prediction, prevention and early detection of cancer, the promising field of precision therapeutics, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hear about the state of the field both in academia and industry and where these experts see opportunities for innovation. The discussion will also include practical advice for industry leaders, researchers, founders, and students navigating the expanding field of precision medicine. 

Part of the CDAC 2021 Data & Technology Outlook Series

Many of the data science and computational tools that revolutionized the modern business landscape resulted from close collaborations between industry and academia. Tomorrow’s innovations are under construction today in R&D departments and university laboratories, where researchers develop solutions to the most pressing data challenges across fields. 

This year, the Center for Data and Computing (CDAC) at the University of Chicago presents a series of critical conversations between industry leaders and researchers pushing the frontiers of data science forward, presenting and discussing new tools in artificial intelligence, data analysis and discovery, security and privacy, that will define the next decade of data technology in science and industry. The Outlook series will provide a balanced understanding of the trends reshaping business and tech with the goal of translating hype into realistic predictions.

Host: Center for Data and Computing

Eric Lefkofsky

Founder and CEO, Tempus

Eric Lefkofsky is the founder and CEO at Tempus, a leading provider of technology enabled precision medicine solutions. He is a founding partner of Lightbank, a venture fund investing in disruptive technology businesses. He is also the co-founder and Chairman of Groupon (NASDAQ: GRPN), a global e-commerce marketplace, and co-founder of Mediaocean, a leading provider of integrated media procurement technology; Echo Global Logistics (NASDAQ: ECHO), a technology-enabled transportation and logistics outsourcing firm; InnerWorkings (NASDAQ: INWK). He co-chairs the Lefkofsky Family Foundation with his wife Liz to advance high-impact initiatives that enhance lives in the communities served. Lefkofsky serves as a Trustee of Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, The Art Institute of Chicago, The Museum of Science and Industry, and World Business Chicago. He is also Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Chicago’s Steppenwolf Theatre Company. Lefkofsky is an adjunct professor at the University of Chicago and author of Accelerated Disruption: Understanding the True Speed of Innovation. He graduated from the University of Michigan and received his Juris Doctor at University of Michigan Law School. For more information, visit, connect on LinkedIn and follow him on Twitter (@lefkofsky) and Facebook (@eplefkofsky).

Olufunmilayo I. Olopade

Walter L. Palmer Distinguished Service Professor of Medicine and Human Genetics, University of Chicago

Olufunmilayo I. Olopade, MD, FACP, is an expert in cancer risk assessment and individualized treatment for the most aggressive forms of breast cancer, having developed novel management strategies based on an understanding of the altered genes in individual patients. She stresses comprehensive risk reducing strategies and prevention in high-risk populations, as well as earlier detection through advanced imaging technologies. 

Dr. Olopade is international renowned for her expertise in breast cancer, and her research has advanced early detection, treatment and prevention of breast cancer in high risk women. A distinguished scholar and mentor, Olopade has received numerous honors and awards including honorary degrees from six universities and a 2005 MacArthur Fellowship (“Genius grant”) for “translating findings on the molecular genetics of breast cancer in African and African-American women into innovative clinical practices in the United States and abroad.” She serves as a director on several Civic and Corporate Boards.

Dr. Olopade has received numerous honors and awards, including honorary degrees from North Central, Dominican, Bowdoin and Princeton universities. She is also a recipient of the Doris Duke Distinguished Clinical Scientist and Exceptional Mentor Award, an American Cancer Society Clinical Research Professorship, a MacArthur Foundation “Genius” Fellowship and Officer of the Order of the Niger Award. Dr. Olopade is an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Philosophical Society. She currently serves on the board of directors for the American Board of Internal Medicine, the National Cancer Advisory Board, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Cancer IQ and the Lyric Opera.

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