Contact Info
Crerar 367
I am an Assistant Professor of computer science and joined the Dept. of Computer Science at The University of Chicago in July 2018. I got my PhD degree from Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University in 2017. I was advised by Vyas Sekar and Hui Zhang. Before that, I received Bachelor degree in Computer Science from Yao Class at Tsinghua in 2011.
Focus Areas: Big Data, Cloud Computing, Computer Networks, Distributed Systems
Research interests: networked systems. My research applies state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to drastically improve the performance and reliability of large-scale networked systems.
Labs & Groups
Systems Group
A vibrant, collaborative research community with diverse, synergistic research interests spanning systems, programming languages and software engineering, software and hardware...
Machine Learning Group
Researchers at the University of Chicago and partner institutions studying the foundations and applications of machine learning and AI.
CERES Center for Unstoppable Computing
Andrew A. Chien
A dynamic community focused on reducing the fragility and complexity of computing systems, while also increasing their efficiency and lifetime.
Awards & Honors
Google Faculty Research Award